The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of genotype x harvest interactions on different agronomic traits, the genetic correlation between traits in early selection under water stress, and early selection in cassava. 25 cassava genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block experimental design with four replications. The variables root weight (RW), root number per plant (RN), root diameter (RD), root length (RL), root dry matter content (DMC), stem number per plant (SN), plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), mite severity (MS), and harvest index (HI) were evaluated under water stress conditions in two harvests. Broad-sense heritability (h²), realized heritability ( ( h R 2 )), and the index of coincidence (IC) were estimated. Accuracy estimates ranged from 0.62 for RL to 0.86 for DMC. A significant genotype effect was identified on all traits, except for RW, RL and SD. Significant genotype x harvest interactions occurred for the variables SN, PH, SD, and HI. (h²) estimates ranged from 0.27 for RL to 0.79 for SN. The estimates of the index of coincidence ranged from 100% to 25%. A positive correlation was observed between all variables under study, except for MS, RN and SN, and the other traits. The genotypes showed similar performance in the two harvests for most variables, except for SN, PH, SD, and HI.