ABSTRACT:A small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) study of uniaxially oriented rx nylon 6 at swelling equilibrium was carried out based on a paracrystalline macrolattice model. The results supported the conventional assumption that the crystalline core is unpenetrable to the swelling agent. Reasonable thermodynamic interaction parameters were obtained, and excellent agreement between the dimensions of the tie molecules from the thermodynamic experiment and SAXS data was obtained, indicating that the tie molecules were highly extended at maximum swelling degree.KEY WORDS Swelling Equilibrium / Three-Component System / Interaction Parameter/ rx Nylon 6 / Small Angle X-Ray Scattering/ SAXS Model Fitting / Crystallite / The swelling behavior of the semicrystalline polymers has been investigated 1 -10 using the SAXS method. In all these investigations, however, discussions have exclusively been confined to the change in the long spacing, using only a portion of the information contained in the SAXS pattern. Recently, a model which accounts for SAXS pattern from uniaxially oriented semicrystalline polymers has been proposed by This model makes it possible to clarify the behavior of the crystallites in polymers when swollen, and to examine the validity of the conventional assumption that the crystalline phase is unpenetrable to swelling agent. The assumption was first introduced by Rogers et al. 14 and adopted by many other authors 15 -19 to apply the theory 20 of swelling equilibrium for crosslinked rubber to semicrystalline polymer.In this work, the SAXS study of uniaxially oriented rx nylon 6 at swelling equilibrium was made, and the superstructure parameters were obtained using the above model. To make clear the dependence of the superstructure on the degree of swelling, measurements were performed for a series of mixtures of the solvent (swelling agent) with nonsolvent of different concentrations, hence different solvent activities. The nonsolvent was chosen on the basis of its lack of affinity for the polymer and miscibility with the solvent. The thermodynamic treatment was attempted to shed light on how the swelling theory is applicable to the present three-component, polymer-solventnonsolvent systems.For nylon 6 a large number of studies 21 -3 z has been conducted on the effects of swelling treatment on the morphology and the properties, but no report deals with the structural behavior at swelling equilibrium.