Hydrodynamically interacting active particles in an external harmonic potential form a selfassembled fluid pump at large enough Péclet numbers. Here, we give a quantitative criterion for the formation of the pump and show that particle orientations align in the self-induced flow field in surprising analogy to ferromagnetic order where the active Péclet number plays the role of inverse temperature. The particle orientations follow a Boltzmann distribution Φ(p) ∼ exp(Apz) where the ordering mean field A scales with active Péclet number and polar order parameter. The mean flow field in which the particles' swimming directions align corresponds to a regularized stokeslet with strength proportional to swimming speed. Analytic mean-field results are compared with results from Brownian dynamics simulations with hydrodynamic interactions included and are found to capture the self-induced alignment very well.Introduction Understanding the non-equilibrium behavior of self-propelled particles is one of the major challenges at the interface of physics, biology, and also chemical engineering [1,2]. Interacting active particles may show exotic phenomena such as swirling motion In order to understand the collective dynamics of active particles and their steady-state distributions, they are often mapped onto passive systems that move in effective potentials [24][25][26]. However, for interacting particles there is no general route for identifying an equilibrium counterpart [1,6,10].The system we investigate here is composed of selfpropelled or active Brownian particles whose swimming directions undergo rotational diffusion in a harmonic trap. Bacteria or both active and passive colloids confined in optical traps have attracted experimental [27][28][29] as well as theoretical [24,[30][31][32][33] interest. Passive colloids are operated in non-equilibrium by switching the trapping force [31] while active particles are intrinsically out of equilibrium [24,32,33]. Run-and-tumble particles in lattice Boltzmann simulations develop a pump state which breaks the rotational symmetry of the harmonic trap and cause a macroscopic fluid flow [32]. Here, we demonstrate similar behavior for active Brownian particles which interact by hydrodynamic flow fields. However, more importantly we explain the emerging orientational order of particles by mapping the self-induced alignment of swimmers in a harmonic potential onto an equilibrium system which exhibits ferromagnetic order.To this end we first establish a quantitative criterion for the formation of the pump and then introduce a mean-field description for the fully formed pump state. The mean-field system shows a striking analogy to the