KEYWORD: recreational water park, water quality, dissolved organic carbon, turbidity, chemical feature ABSTRACT: Water park water quality impacts the public health illustrated by the increasing waterborne diseases outbreaks in recent years. Water samples were thus collected and analyzed for chemical constituents, organic matter, from the water park over spring and summer. Water quality varied seasonally with less contaminated in spring compared with summer (p<0.01), which likely corresponds to the number of visitors. Turbidities were in the range of 0.5 to 3 NTU and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was in the range of 2 to 18 mg/L. The average water chemical parameters for investigated pools were pH=7.6, alkalinity=230 mg/L, hardness=190 mg/L, and temperature=27 °C. Water quality of the investigated water parks were divided into two groups, and only group 1 was balanced.