This study compared burst pressure (BP), number of activations, and histological assessment of ex vivo swine small intestine loops transected by stapler, a single fulcrum radiofrequency vessel sealing (RFVS) device, and the newly-developed jaws RFVS. Fifty (n = 50) 20 cm long jejunal loops were randomly assigned to be transected with RFVS devices and linear stapler (Caiman5, Caiman Maryland, Caiman12, Ligasure Atlas, and Stapler group as control respectively). Caiman5, Caiman12 and stapler required only one activation to complete the sealing. The mean BP in Caiman5 and Caiman Maryland groups were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the S group as control and the other RFVS devices studied. RFVS Caiman12 and Ligasure Atlas produced mean BP values that were close to the Control and did not differ between them. The lumen was totally closed in the Caiman12 and Ligasure Atlas groups. The findings of this investigation were promising; we discovered that Caiman12 and Ligasure Atlas produce comparable mechanical capabilities as well as stapled intestinal closure, however Caiman12 need a single activation to complete the transection.