26Background: Our ability to investigate processes shaping the evolutionary diversification of 27 corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) is limited by a lack of understanding of species boundaries. 28 Discerning species has been challenging due to a multitude of factors, including homoplasious 29 and plastic morphological characters and the use of molecular markers that are either not 30 informative or have not completely sorted. Hybridization can also blur species boundaries by 31 leading to incongruence between morphology and genetics. We used traditional DNA barcoding 32 and restriction-site associated DNA sequencing combined with coalescence-based and allele-33 frequency methods to elucidate species boundaries and simultaneously examine the potential role 34 of hybridization in a speciose genus of octocoral, Sinularia. 35 Results: Species delimitations using two widely used DNA barcode markers, mtMutS and 28S 36 rDNA, were incongruent with one another and with the morphospecies identifications, likely due 37 to incomplete lineage sorting. In contrast, 12 of the 15 morphospecies examined formed well-38 supported monophyletic clades in both concatenated RAxML phylogenies and SNAPP species 39 trees of >6,000 RADSeq loci. DAPC and Structure analyses also supported morphospecies 40 assignments, but indicated the potential for two additional cryptic species. Three 41 morphologically distinct species pairs could not, however, be distinguished genetically. ABBA-42 BABA tests demonstrated significant admixture between some of those species, suggesting that 43 hybridization may confound species delimitation in Sinularia. 44 Conclusions: A genomic approach can help to guide species delimitation while simultaneously 45 elucidating the processes generating diversity in corals. Results support the hypothesis that 46 hybridization is an important mechanism in the evolution of Anthozoa, including octocorals, and 47 3 future research should examine the contribution of this mechanism in generating diversity across 48 the coral tree of life. 49 50