Ultra wide bands antennas with notched bands characteristics have recently been considered for efficient communication between devices. In this paper, a compact ultra-wideband antenna (UWB) for UWB applications with triple bandnotched characteristics is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a square patch with four truncated corners and a partial ground plane with a rectangular slit. The operation bandwidth of the designed antenna is from 2.66 GHz to more than 13.5 GHz. Band-notched characteristics of antenna to reject the frequency band of 3.18 - 3.59 GHz and 4.70 - 5.88 GHz, is realized by inserting two C-shaped slots in the patch, the third band of 9.54 - 12.22 GHz is achieved by slottype capacitively-loaded loop (CLL) inserted in the patch near the feed line. Details of the proposed antenna design and simulated results are presented and discussed.