“…Contrary to the cubic setting the ferromagnetic (FM) component is now fixed to be line up collinear to the c axis of tetragonal unit cell. Therefore, the non-collinear AF order seems to be stable in the ab plane, where the spins orient along the directions [110] and [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], respectively. The Fourier coefficients S k (j) of octahedral atoms under the cubic and tetragonal symmetries being S k (B3,c) = (u,−u,v), S k (B4,c) = (−u,u,v); and (ii) for tetragonal S k (B1,t) = (0,−u,v), S k (B2,t) = (0,u,v), S k (B3,t) = (u,0,v), S k (B4,t) = (−u,0,v).…”