Visual object trackers based on correlation filters have recently demonstrated substantial robustness to challenging conditions with variations in illumination and motion blur. Nonetheless, the models depend strongly on the spatial layout and are highly sensitive to deformation, scale, and occlusion. As presented and discussed in this paper, the colour attributes are combined due to their complementary characteristics to handle variations in shape well. In addition, a novel approach for robust scale estimation is proposed for mitigatinge the problems caused by fast motion and scale variations. Moreover, feedback from high-confidence tracking results was also utilized to prevent model corruption. The evaluation results for our tracker demonstrate that it performed outstandingly in terms of both precision and accuracy with enhancements of approximately 25% and 49%, respectively, in authoritative benchmarks compared to those for other popular correlation- filter-based trackers. Finally, the proposed tracker has demonstrated strong robustness, which has enabled online object tracking under various scenarios at a real-time frame rate of approximately 65 frames per second (FPS).