Natural process of symbiotic nitrogen fi xation has a unique role in a sustainable legume production. Nodule bacteria, collectively named rhizobia, in symbiotic associations with legumes enable considerable entries of biologically fi xed nitrogen into ecosystems. In order to maxi-
SummaryNodule bacteria (rhizobia) in symbiotic associations with legumes enable considerable entries of biologically fi xed nitrogen into soil. Eff orts are therefore made to intensify the natural process of symbiotic nitrogen fi xation by legume inoculation. Studies of fi eld populations of rhizobia open up the possibility to preserve and probably exploit some indigenous strains with hidden symbiotic or ecological potentials. The main aim of the present study is to determine genetic diversity of common bean rhizobia isolated from diff erent fi eld sites in central Croatia and to evaluate their symbiotic effi ciency and compatibility with host plants. The isolation procedure revealed that most soil samples contained no indigenous common bean rhizobia. The results indicate that the cropping history had a signifi cant impact on the presence of indigenous strains. Although all isolates were found to belong to species Rhizobium leguminosarum, signifi cant genetic diversity at the strain level was determined. Application of both random amplifi cation of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC--PCR) methods resulted in similar grouping of strains. Symbiotic effi ciency of indigenous rhizobia as well as their compatibility with two commonly grown bean varieties were tested in fi eld experiments. Application of indigenous rhizobial strains as inoculants resulted in signifi cantly diff erent values of nodulation, seed yield as well as plant nitrogen and seed protein contents. The most abundant nodulation and the highest plant nitrogen and protein contents were determined in plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains S 17/2 and S 21/6 . Although, in general, the inoculation had a positive impact on seed yield, diff erences depending on the applied strain were not determined. The overall results show the high degree of symbiotic effi ciency of the specifi c indigenous strain S 21/6 . These results indicate diff erent symbiotic potential of indigenous strains and confi rmed the importance of rhizobial strain selection. These are the fi rst studies of indigenous common bean rhizobia in Croatia that provide the basis for further characterization and selection of highly effi cient indigenous strains and their potential use in agricultural practice and future research.