Among the various types of mutations studied in rhizobia, the auxotrophic mutations (which confer on the mutants the inability to synthesize certain essential substances such as amino acids, vitamins and nucleic acids), are the most favoured ones as these can be used as suitable markers for genetic analysis. An important property of rhizobia is their effectiveness i.e. their ability to fi x atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia within the nodule. Special interest in this category of mutations by rhizobial geneticists is due to the fact that there is a strong correlation between the metabolic defects and the ineffectiveness (Nod -and/or Fix -) of the rhizobial strains. Auxotrophic mutants of various species of rhizobia with defects in the synthesis of nucleic bases, vitamins and amino acids have been obtained by mutagenising with physical, chemical and Tn5 mutagens. These mutants have been used in mapping studies as well as in establishing a correlation between its metabolic requirement and symbiotic relationship with the host plant. The present review deals with the isolation of auxotrophs, and their genetic, biochemical and symbiotic characterization. The review also encompasses the studies on the elucidation of biosynthetic pathways of nutritional substances in rhizobia.