Given a prime number p, a field F with char(F) = p and a positive integer n, we study the class-preserving modifications of Kato-Milne classes of decomposable differential forms. These modifications demonstrate a natural connection between differential forms and p-regular forms. A p-regular form is defined to be a homogeneous polynomial form of degree p for which there is no nonzero point where all the order p − 1 partial derivatives vanish simultaneously. We define a C p,m field to be a field over which every p-regular form of dimension greater than p m is isotropic. The main results are that for a C p,m field F, the symbol length of H 2 p (F) is bounded from above by p m−1 − 1 and for any n ⌈(m − 1) log 2 (p)⌉ + 1, H n+1 p (F) = 0.