We recast the notion of parablender introduced in [B2] as a parametric IFS. This is done using the concept of open covering property and looking to parametric IFS as systems acting on jets.
Iterated Functions SystemsDefinition 1. A (contracting) Iterated Functions System (IFS) is the data of a finite family (f b ) b∈B of contracting maps on R n . The IFS is of class C r , r ≥ 1, if each f b is of class C r . * This work is partially supported by the project BRNUH of Sorbonne Paris Cité University and the French-Brazilian network. arXiv:1603.01241v2 [math.DS] 30 May 2016The topology on the set of IFS of class C r (with Card B elements) is given by the product strong topology B C r (R n , R n ). The limit set of an IFS is:The limit set Λ is compact. One is usually interested in its geometry. Natural questions are:Question 2. Under which condition the limit set Λ has non-empty interior?Under which condition the limit set has C r -robustly non empty interior ?Let us recall that a system satisfies a property C r -robustly if the property holds also for any C r -perturbations of the system. Both questions are still open, although there are already partial answers to them. Let us state a classical sufficient property: Definition 3. The IFS (f b ) b∈B satisfies the covering property if there exists a non-empty open set U of R n such that: Closure(U ) ⊂ b∈B