A bipartite state ρAB is symmetric extendible if there exists a tripartite state ρ ABB ′ whose AB and AB ′ marginal states are both identical to ρAB. Symmetric extendibility of bipartite states is of vital importance in quantum information because of its central role in separability tests, one-way distillation of EPR pairs, one-way distillation of secure keys, quantum marginal problems, and anti-degradable quantum channels. We establish a simple analytic characterization for symmetric extendibility of any two-qubit quantum state ρAB; specifically, tr(ρ 2 B ) ≥ tr(ρ 2 AB ) − 4 √ det ρAB. Given the intimate relationship between the symmetric extension problem and the quantum marginal problem, our result also provides the first analytic necessary and sufficient condition for the quantum marginal problem with overlapping marginals.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ud, 03.67.Dd, 03.67.Mn The notion of symmetric extendibility for a bipartite quantum state ρ AB was introduced in [1] as a test for entanglement. A bipartite density operator ρ AB is symmetric extendible if there exists a tripartite state ρ ABB ′ such that tr B ′ (ρ ABB ′ ) = tr B (ρ ABB ′ ). A state ρ AB without symmetric extension is evidently entangled, and to decide such an extendibility for ρ AB can be formulated in terms of semi-definite programming (SDP) [2]. This then leads to effective numerical tests and bounds [3][4][5][6] that allow for entanglement detection for some well-known positive-partial-transpose (PPT) states [7][8][9][10][11].States with symmetric extension also have a clear operational meaning for quantum information processing [12]. One simple idea is that if a bipartite state ρ AB is symmetric extendible, then one cannot distill any entanglement from ρ AB by protocols only involving local operations and oneway classical communication (from A to B) [13], because of entanglement monogamy [14]. Furthermore, using the ChoiJamiolkowski isomorphism, symmetric extendibility of bipartite states also provides a test for anti-degradable quantum channels [15], and one-way quantum capacity of quantum channels [13].A similar idea applies to the protocols for quantum key distribution (QKD), which aim to establish a shared secret key between two parties (for a review, see [16]). The corresponding QKD protocols can be viewed as having two phases: in a first phase, the two parties establish joint classical correlations by performing measurements on an untrusted bipartite quantum state, while in a second phase a secret key is being distilled from these correlations by a public discussion protocol (via authenticated classical channels) which typically involves classical error correction and privacy amplification [17][18][19][20]. If the underlying bipartite state ρ AB is symmetric extendible, then no secret key can be distilled by a process involving only one-way communication. Therefore, the foremost task of the public discussion protocol is to break this symmetric extendibility by some bi-directional post-selection process. Failure to find such a protocol me...