During Communication, Information Encryption plays a very important role. While transmitting data, unusual kinds of attacks may occur. To enhance the security during data transmission, cryptographic techniques are used. Cryptography is thus a study in which the message to be transmitted is converted into unreadable form and then sent so that unauthorized users may not be able to read the information. The information is transformed during a phase called Encryption, before being stored or transmitted, based on a Secret key. To guarantee the privacy and validity of the furtive data, a variety of cryptographic techniques have been developed and researchers are continuously working on it to afford better technique towards information security. Though many algorithms have been developed for hiding the data, biomolecular DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) sequences based data encryption seems to be a promising approach for satisfying the current information security needs. In this work, the enormous number of features available in DNA sequences are taken and combined with the well known cryptographic algorithm, the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The proposed technique which combines the features of DNA sequences and the Data Encryption Standard is thus named as NDES (Novel Data Encryption Standard) algorithm. This technique thus enhances the security by conversion, manipulation, substitution, confusion and hence provides complexity.