A short introduction is given on the functional renormalization group method,
putting emphasis on its nonperturbative aspects. The method enables to find
nontrivial fixed points in quantum field theoretic models which make them free
from divergences and leads to the concept of asymptotic safety. It can be
considered as a generalization of the asymptotic freedom which plays a key role
in the perturbative renormalization. We summarize and give a short discussion
of some important models, which are asymptotically safe such as the Gross-Neveu
model, the nonlinear $\sigma$ model, the sine-Gordon model, and we consider the
model of quantum Einstein gravity which seems to show asymptotic safety, too.
We also give a detailed analysis of infrared behavior of such scalar models
where a spontaneous symmetry breaking takes place. The deep infrared behaviorof
the broken phase cannot be treated within the framework of perturbative
calculations. We demonstrate that there exists an infrared fixed point in the
broken phase whichcreates a new scaling regime there, however its structure is
hidden by the singularity of the renormalization group equations. The theory
spaces of these models show several similar properties, namely the models have
the same phase and fixed point structure. The quantum Einstein gravity also
exhibits similarities when considering the global aspects of its theory space
since the appearing two phases there show analogies with the symmetric and the
broken phases of the scalar models. These results be nicely uncovered by the
functional renormalization group method.Comment: 34 pages, 21 figures. Based on the talk presented at the Theoretical
Physics School on Quantum Gravity, Szeged, Hungary, 27-31 August 2012. Final
version, to appear in Annals of Physic