We introduce the notions of partial dynamical symmetry (PDS) and quasi dynamical symmetry (QDS) and demonstrate their relevance to nuclear spectroscopy, to quantum phase transitions and to mixed systems with regularity and chaos. The analysis serves to highlight the potential role of PDS and QDS towards understanding the emergent "simplicity out of complexity" exhibited by complex many-body systems. √ 7 2 ≤ χ ≤ 0 interpolate between the U(5), O(6) and SU(3) DS limits, which are reached for (ξ, χ) = (0, χ), (1, 0), and (1, − √ 72 ), respectively. It is customary to represent the parameter space by a symmetry triangle [16], shown in Fig. 1, whose vertices correspond to these limits. The ECQF has been used extensively for the description of nuclear properties and it was found that the vast majority of nuclei are best described by ECQF parameters in the interior of the triangle, away from any DS limit. In this context, a key question, addressed in the present contribution, can be phrased in the form: are there any remaining "symmetries" inside the triangle?