A systematic numerical study is carried out, computing and comparing the plasma response to the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) field, applied for controlling edge localized modes (ELMs), in a series of tokamak plasmas with varying aspect ratio and utilizing the MARS-F code. The aspect ratio is scanned either by varying the plasma major radius at a fixed minor radius or by varying the latter while fixing the former. Both approaches yield similar results when compared in terms of quantities with proper normalizations. In general, a non-monotonic dependence of the resonant response field (normalized by the vacuum counterpart) near the plasma edge is found with varying aspect ratio, indicating that a given ELM control coil current configuration strongly favors plasmas with a certain aspect ratio. This optimal aspect ratio, on the other hand, depends on the toroidal as well as poloidal (i.e., coil phasing) spectra of the applied RMP field. The equilibrium (edge) safety factor, the plasma shape, and the plasma toroidal flow are all fixed to ensure that the effects identified here are predominantly due to the plasma aspect ratio.