Jahn-Teller (JT) effects involving an orbital triplet (T) or doublet (E) state coupled to single e and/or t, modes of vibration have been studied extensively in strong coupling. The approach adopted here is based on a tetrahedral cluster model and it utilizes a transformation method and an energy minimization procedure. The vibronic states which describe the system exactly in the infinite coupling limit are written down in terms of the states localized in wells in the potential energy surface. In finite couplings, linear combinations of the strong-coupling states are taken by using projection operator techniques to construct states which have correct symmetries. This method has recently been extended to include the effects of an additional t, mode. In this paper, these results will be used to indicate the effect of including all additional modes from the remainder of the crystal, and hence show how a full multimode model can be formulated. Specific results will be given for the multimode T & t, JT problem.