Recent development in exact classification of a superconducting gap has elucidated various unconventional gap structures, which have not been predicted by the classification of order parameter based on the point group. One of the important previous results is that all symmetry-protected line nodes are characterized by nontrivial topological numbers. Another intriguing discovery is the gap structures depending on the angular momentum jz of normal Bloch states on threefold and sixfold rotational-symmetric lines in the Brillouin zone. Stimulated by these findings, we classify irreducible representations of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian at each k point on a highsymmetry n-fold (n = 2, 3, 4, and 6) axis for centrosymmetric and paramagnetic superconductors, by using the combination of group theory and K theory. This leads to the classification of all crystal symmetry-protected nodes (including jz-dependent nodes) on the axis that crosses a normal-state Fermi surface. As a result, it is shown that the classification by group theory completely corresponds with the topological classification. Based on the obtained results, we discuss superconducting gap structures in SrPtAs, CeCoIn5, UPt3, and UCoGe. arXiv:1811.08627v2 [cond-mat.supr-con]