We study the possibility of switching the types of symmetry breaking bifurcation (SBB) in the cylinder shell waveguide with helical double-well potential along propagation direction. This model is described by the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation. The symmetry-and antisymmetry-breakings can be caused by increasing the applied voltage onto the waveguide in the self-focusing and -defocusing cases, respectively. In the self-focusing case, the type of SBB can be switched from supercritical to subcritical. While in the self-defocusing case, the type of SBB can not be switched because only one type of SBB is found. PACS numbers: 42.65.Tg; 47.20.Ky; 05.45.Yv; 42.65.Hw Phase transition is a fundamental topic in many branches of physics. Spontaneous symmetric breaking (SSB), which is the transition from the symmetric ground state (GS) to that which does not follow the symmetry of the potential, always plays an important role in inducing the transition [1]. In nonlinear systems, because additional nonlinearity always give rise to the effect of SSB, phase transition and SSB are also important issues and attract great attention. Among many kinds of nonlinear systems, double-well potential (DWP) or dual-core system is the most essential model employed to study the phase transition and SSB of the nonlinear states [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In DWP system, the important process relating to the phase transition and SSB is symmetric breaking bifurcation (SBB), which determines the process of symmetric states transiting to the asymmetric ones [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. There are two kinds of SBB, subcritical and super critical, which are tantamount to the phase transition of the first and second kind respectively. The former kind of SBB, subcritical type, features branches of the asymmetric states going at first backward after the bifurcation point then turning forward. While the latter one, the supercritical type, features the asymmetric branches going immediately to the forward direction after the bifurcation point. Different settings with different environments may possibly lead to different types of SBB. An interesting problem is the possibility to control the type of the SBB, and thus to switch between the respective phase transitions of the two kinds. About this problem, it has been reported that the addition of a periodic potential (optical lattice) acting in the unconfined direction changes the character of the SBB from sub-to supercritical [7]. Recently, it is also reported that the periodical modulation of the linearcoupling constant, which is induced by the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) via the double-Λ system, can change the SBB from sub-to supercritical with the increase of the total power of the probe beams [17].Very recently, a setting with rotational (alias helical) DWP potential in a cylinder shell waveguide was performed [18], which reported that the rotating speed of the potential could also induce the symmetry breaking of the nonlinear modes. It is well known that r...