In this work we study a continuous opinion dynamics model considering 3-agent interactions and group pressure. Agents interact in a fully-connected population, and two parameters govern the dynamics: the agents' convictions λ, that are homogeneous in the population, and the group pressure p. Stochastic parameters also drive the interactions. Our analytical and numerical results indicate that the model undergoes symmetrybreaking transitions at distinct critical points λc for any value of p < p * = 2/3, i.e., the transition can be suppressed for sufficiently high group pressure. Such transition separates two phases: for any λ ≤ λc, the order parameter O is identically null (O = 0, a symmetric, absorbing phase), while for λ > λc, we have O > 0, i.e., a symmetrybroken phase (ferromagnetic). The numerical simulations also reveal that the increase of group pressure leads to a wider distribution of opinions, decreasing the extremism in the population.