The simplest ring oscillator is made from three strongly nonlinear elements repressing each other unidirectionally resulting in the emergence of a limit cycle. A popular implementation of this scheme uses repressive genes in bacteria creating the synthetic genetic oscillator known as the Repressilator.Here, we consider the main collective modes produced when two identical Repressilators are meanfield coupled via the quorum sensing (QS) mechanism which is realized via production of diffusive signal molecules. Using the rate of the repressor's production and the value of coupling strength as the bifurcation parameters, we performed analysis of dynamical regimes starting from the two Andronov-Hopf bifurcations of unstable homogeneous steady state, which generate in-phase and anti-phase limit cycles. Pitchfork bifurcation of the unstable in-phase cycle leads to creation of inhomogeneous limit cycles with very different amplitudes in contrast to well-known asymmetrical limit cycles arising from oscillation death. Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of the anti-phase cycle determines the border of an island in two-parameter space containing almost all the interesting regimes including the set of resonant limit cycles, the area with stable inhomogenous cycle, and very large areas with chaotic regimes resulting from torus destruction, period doubling of resonant cycles and inhomogenous cycles. We discuss the structure of chaos skeleton to show the role of inhomogeneous cycles in its formation. Many regions of multistability and transitions between regimes are presented. These results provide new insights into the coupling-dependent mechanisms of multistability and collective regime symmetry breaking in populations of identical multidimensional oscillators.