We obtain the solutions of the generic bilinear master equation for a quantum oscillator with constant coefficients in the Gaussian form. The well-behavedness and positive semidefiniteness of the stationary states could be characterized by a three-dimensional Minkowski vector. By requiring the stationary states to satisfy a factorized condition, we obtain a generic class of master equations that includes the well-known ones and their generalizations, some of which are completely positive. A further subset of the master equations with the Gibbs states as stationary states is also obtained. For master equations with not completely positive generators, an analysis on the stationary states for a given initial state isuggests conditions on the coefficients of the master equations that generate positive evolution.When we obtain the master equations of a system in contact with an environment, there are often assumptions made to facilitate the derivation of the effective influence of the environment on the system [1,2]. For instance, we assume that the initial density matrix of the system and environment is factorized, the coupling between the system and its environment is weak, the rotating wave approximation is valid, the memory effects are negligible, or the generators of the master equation should be completely positive, and etc. Appropriate derivations should produce master equations with well-behaved solutions.However, anomaly could arise if we carelessly apply the master equations to situations that are not consistent with the assumptions made in their derivations, such as studying low temperature behavior of a system with the Caldeira-Leggett equation [3,4,5], obtaining an Markovian equation by ignoring the memory effects or using the rotating wave approximation [6,7,8,9], or starting with initial conditions inconsistent with the factorized assumptions [10,11].An issue that has received wide attention is the completely positive [12,13] nature of the generators of the master equations. Initial states that are positive could evolve outside their positive domain during some interval of the time evolution when the master equations do not have completely positive generators. However, there is no a priori reason why master equations must be completely positive [10]. Not completely positive generators with appropriately chosen coefficients could maintain the positivity of the states for a given initial state for all time [14]. The systems are then properly behaved as far as positivity is concerned.It is in this spirit that we start with a generic master equation that satisfies the essential hermitian and trace preserving requirements of a reduced dynamics [15,16,17]. We obtain its explicit solutions in Gaussian form and analyzed the stationary states. We further identify a factorized condition on the stationary states that is strong enough to produce a generic class of master equations. This class includes the well-known master equations as special cases, i.e., the Kossakowski-Lindblad (KL) equation for quantum optical ...