We analyze incommensurate charge-density-wave (CDW) and pair-density-wave (PDW) orders with transferred momenta (±Q, 0)/(0, ±Q) in underdoped cuprates within the spin-fermion model. Both orders appear due to exchange of spin fluctuations before magnetic order develops. We argue that the ordered state with the lowest energy has non-zero CDW and PDW components with the same momentum. Such a state breaks C4 lattice rotational symmetry, time-reversal symmetry, and mirror symmetries. We argue that the feedback from CDW/PDW order on fermionic dispersion is consistent with ARPES data. We discuss the interplay between the CDW/PDW order and d x 2 −y 2 superconductivity and make specific predictions for experiments.
Introduction.The search for competitors to d x 2 −y 2 superconductivity (d-SC) in underdoped cuprates has gained strength over the last few years due to mounting experimental evidence that some form of electronic charge order spontaneously emerges below a certain doping and competes with d-SC (Refs. [1-16]) The two most frequently discussed candidates for electronic order are incommensurate charge density-wave (CDW) order (Refs. [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]) and incommensurate pair-density-wave order (PDW), which is a SC order with a finite Cooper pair momentum Q (Refs. [33][34][35][36][37][38] CDW order in underdoped cuprates has been proposed some time ago [17] and has been analyzed in detail by several groups in the last few years within the spinfluctuation formalism [19,20,[22][23][24][26][27][28] and within t − J model [18,21]. The initial discussion was focused on near-equivalence between d-SC and d-wave charge bond order (BO) with momenta (Q, Q) along zone diagonal [19,20,27], but charge order of this type has not been observed in the experiments. It was later found [22,23,26,28] that the same magnetic model also displays a CDW order with momenta (Q, 0) or (0, Q), which is consistent with the range of CDW wave vectors extracted from experiments [1-6, 9, 10, 41]. Such CDW order is also consistent with experiments that detect the breaking of discrete rotational and time-reversal symmetries in a (T, x) range where competing order develops [11-16]. In particular, when spin-fermion coupling is strong enough, the CDW order develops in the form of a stripe and breaks C 4 lattice rotational symmetry. A stripe CDW order with (Q, 0)/(0, Q) in turn gives rise to modulations in both charge density and charge current and breaks time-reversal and mirror symmetries [23,24,28,30].The agreement with the data is encouraging, but two fundamental issues with CDW order remain. First,