The density of sympathetic nerve terminals in human superficial temporal arteries from 5 cases at intra-and extracranial bypass surgery was examined with two hlstochemical methods, one with potassium permanganate fixation and the other with the new monoamine oxidase staining technique. By potassium permanganate fixation, small cored vesicles containing fibers of noradrenergic nerve terminals made up 29.2% of all nerve fibers in the adventitia. The monoamine oxidase-containing nerves in the adventitia made up 31.4%. According to this study, sympathetic nerve terminal density in human superficial temporal arteries was assumed to consist of approximately 30% of all adventitial nerve terminals. In periadventitial nerve bundles, some unmyelinated axons contained monoamine oxidase activity. Thus, staining is considered to be useful in demonstrating the periadventitial and intervaricose fibers as well as the nerve terminals of sympathetic nerves in human cerebral arteries. A LTHOUGH sympathetic nerves play an impor-/ \ tant role in vasomotor activities and neuro-±. J L trophic effects, there have been only a few histological studies of sympathetic innervation in human cerebral arteries.1 " 3 Since intracranial arteries are not easily accessible in humans, the examination of the superficial temporal artery (STA) could be of help in understanding further histological evidence of vascular innervation of intracranial arteries. The advantage of examination of STA is twofold. One is that specimens are easily obtainable at intra-and extracranial (IC-EC) bypass surgery, and the other is that this artery is innervated by the same sympathetic chain originating from the superior cervical ganglion as the internal carotid artery. The functional similarities between intraand extracranial arteries have been demonstrated by an in vitro study, 6 which showed the contractile activities of STA to various vasoactive agents such as vasopressin, serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and phenylephrine to be the same as those of the middle cerebral arteries.In this study the density of sympathetic nerve fibers presumably innervating the STA was examined with potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 ) fixation to detect sympathetic nerve terminals and with monoamine oxidase (MAO) staining 78 to demonstrate postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers and their terminals.
Subjects and MethodsPieces of STA were obtained from 5 patients who were subjected to IC-EC bypass surgery for transient ischemic attack or minor stroke. Their clinical backgrounds, diagnoses, and angiographic findings are briefly summarized in Table 1. The dissected segments of STA were immediately divided into smaller pieces approximately 1 mm in length for histological studies. For light microscopy they were fixed with 3% glyoxylic acid in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and observed with fluorescence microscopy as reported before 3 and then counterstained with hematoxylin and eosin. Segments for electron microscopy were processed for either permanganate fixation or MAO staining with the couple...