Abstract-Hyperuricemia is associated with cardiovascular risk. The present study examines the association between serum uric acid (UA) elevation and the ␣2-, 2-, and 3-adrenoceptor polymorphisms. In 219 nonobese, normotensive, normouricemic (serum UA Ͻ6.5 mg/dL at entry) men, serum UA, plasma norepinephrine (NE), the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), body mass index, total body fat mass, the ␣2A(Lys418Asn)-, 2(Arg16Gly, Gln27Glu)-, and 3(Trp64Arg)-adrenoceptor polymorphisms were measured annually over 5 years.Hyperuricemia was defined as a serum UA level of Նmeanϩ1 SD of 5.0 mg/dL in the participants. At entry, there were 36 subjects who had hyperuricemia and 183 who had normal UA levels. A significant UA elevation for 5 years was defined as an increase in Ն10% in UA levels. There were 82 subjects who had significant UA elevations. The subjects who had hyperuricemia at entry in addition to the subjects who had significant UA elevations over the 5-year period carried a significantly higher frequency of the Asn418 allele of Lys418Asn. Additionally, subjects carrying the Asn418 allele had higher UA and plasma NE and greater elevations in UA over the study period, but HOMA-IR was similar. Insulin resistance at entry and during the study was associated with Arg16Gly polymorphisms but not with Lys418Asn polymorphisms. In conclusion, the Asn418 allele of Lys418Asn is associated with either established hyperuricemia or the progressive elevation of UA over time. This polymorphism was not associated with insulin resistance in nonobese, normotensive individuals. Although hyperuricemia is of known relevance to insulin resistance, it appears to have different genetic determinants from insulin resistance in terms of adrenoceptor polymorphisms. Key Words: uric acid Ⅲ polymorphism Ⅲ insulin resistance M any large epidemiological studies have identified a strong association between increased serum uric acid (UA) and cardiovascular risk such as increased hypertension or coronary heart disease in the general population. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] We also reported that serum UA level predicts future blood pressure (BP) elevation and weight gain in a longitudinal study. 8 The metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are clustered by the additional associations of hyperuricemia, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, glucose intolerance, and hypertension. Thus, hyperuricemia is thought of as an inherent component of the metabolic syndrome. UA also has been proposed as a marker of insulin resistance; 9 -11 however, others claim that a serum UA is more a risk factor for cardiovascular disease rather than insulin resistance. 12 Insulin resistance is recognized to have some genetic components of which polymorphisms of the 2-and 3-adrenoceptor system play an important role. [13][14][15][16][17] Similar to UA, total body fat mass or stored fat in the abdominal area (abdominal obesity) is closely related to insulin resistance and ␣2A-adrenoceptor polymorphism. 18 The present study examined the relationship between alte...