Synopsis: Two unusual facts were dis closed during the field testing of the super visory-control carrier-current channel on the 287-kv Boulder Dam-Los Angeles transmission lines. Carrier-current losses were much higher than calculations and previous experience had indicated. The interference from power equipment arcs could not be isolated by the use of resonant choke coils, requiring special circuit designs for satisfactory operation. Paper 39-93, recommended by the AIEE commit tee on automatic stations, and presented at the AIEE North Eastern District meeting, Springfield, Mass., May 3-5, 1939, and at the combined sum mer and Pacific Coast convention, San Francisco, Calif., June 26-30, 1939. Manuscript submitted October 22, 1938; made available for preprinting March 23, 1939. J. D. LAUGHLIN is junior electrical engineer, Bureau of Power and Light, City of Los Angeles, Calif.; W. E. PAKALA is engineer, and M. E. REAGAN is section engineer in the switchgear engineering de partment, Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur ing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 TRANSACTIONS Laughlin, Pakala, Reagan-Carrier-Current Losses ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 5 8 TRANSACTIONS Laughlin, Pakala, Reagan-Carrier-Current Losses ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING