The FLP recombinase of the 2 M plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae belongs to the integrase family of recombinases whose members have in common four absolutely conserved residues (Arg-191, His-305, Arg-308, and Tyr-343). We have studied the mutant protein FLP R308K in which the arginine residue at position 308 has been replaced by lysine. Although FLP R308K was previously reported to be defective in ligation of certain substrates (Pan, G., Luetke, K., and Sadowski, P. D., Mol. Cell. Biol. 13, 3167-3175, 1993b), we show in this work that the protein is able to ligate those substrates that it can cleave (cleavage-dependent ligation activity). FLP R308K is defective in in vitro recombination and in strand exchange. It is able to carry out strand exchange at one of the two cleavage sites of the FLP recognition target site (FRT site), but is defective in strand exchange at the other cleavage site. These results are consistent with a model in which wild-type FLP initiates recombination only at one of the two cleavage sites. FLP R308K may be defective in the initiation of recombination.Most strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae harbor 50 -100 copies of an autonomously replicating plasmid, the 2 M circle (Broach and Hicks, 1980). This plasmid is 6318 bp 1 in length and contains two identical 599-bp inverted repeats that separate a small and large unique region. One of the open reading frames of the plasmid encodes a site-specific recombinase called "FLP" that promotes reciprocal recombination across the inverted repeats. The result is that the yeast contains approximately equal amounts of two isoforms, the A and B forms of the plasmid.The targets of the FLP protein are the two FLP recognition target sites (FRT) that are within the 599-bp inverted repeats. The FRT sites consist of three 13-bp symmetry elements to which the FLP protein binds in a site-specific manner (see Fig. 1; Andrews et al. (1985Andrews et al. ( , 1987). Two of the three symmetry elements (a and b) are in inverted orientation surrounding an 8-bp core region. The third symmetry element (c), which is dispensable for recombination both in vivo and in vitro (Jayaram, 1985;Gronostajski and Sadowski, 1985;Proteau et al., 1986), is in direct orientation with symmetry element b.The FLP protein promotes efficient recombination in vitro, and the reaction has been studied extensively. After binding specifically to the symmetry elements, FLP induces an acute bend in the FRT site Sadowski, 1989, 1990), cleaves the top or bottom strands of the FRT site (see vertical arrows, Fig. 1), and promotes the reciprocal exchange of a pair of strands to form a Holliday-like intermediate (Holliday, 1964;Meyer-Leon et al., 1988Jayaram et al., 1988) which is then resolved by a second pair of strand exchanges to form reciprocally recombinant molecules (Dixon and Sadowski, 1993, 1994).The FLP protein is a member of the integrase family of site-specific recombinases whose members have in common four absolutely conserved residues (arginine 191, histidine 305, arginine 308...