In adult vertebrates, sensory neurons innervating stretchsensitive muscle spindles make monosynaptic excitatory connections with specific subsets of motoneurons in the spinal cord. Spindle afferents (Ia fibers) make the strongest connections with motoneurons supplying the same (homonymous) muscle but make few or no connections with motoneurons supplying antagonistic or functionally unrelated muscles. In lower vertebrates these connections are specific from the time they first are formed, but there is comparatively little information about how these reflex connections form in mammals. We therefore studied the pattern of these synaptic connections during postnatal development in mice. Intracellular recordings were made from identified hindlimb motoneurons in an isolated spinal cord preparation, and monosynaptic inputs from Ia fibers in identified hindlimb muscle nerves were measured at different times during the first postnatal week. The pattern of connections was specific throughout this period. Ia fibers made strong connections with homonymous motoneurons but only weak connections with antagonistic motoneurons at every time point examined, from P0 through P7. Even when muscle nerves were stimulated at only 0.1 Hz, the pattern of connections was still highly specific, arguing against a special subpopulation of labile inappropriate connections. The absence of appreciable rearrangements in the pattern of these connections during the first postnatal week is, therefore, analogous to the situation in lower vertebrates, suggesting that mechanisms responsible for establishing this specificity have been conserved during evolution.
Key words: synaptogenesis; synaptic specificity; motoneurons; muscle spindle afferents; Ia fibers; spinal cord; stretch reflexFor the nervous system to function correctly, specific patterns of synaptic connections must be established between appropriate groups of neurons. A commonly accepted paradigm for achieving this specificity is that chemoaffinity mechanisms are used to establish the initial pattern of connections, and then these connections are remodeled during subsequent development to refine the connectivity further (Goodman and Shatz, 1993). Coordinated electrical activity between pre-and postsynaptic partners can play a critical role in the refinement process.An alternative strategy used in other developmental systems is that chemoaffinity mechanisms are sufficient to produce a highly precise pattern of connections. In these systems, which have received the most attention in lower vertebrates and invertebrates, synaptic rearrangements are not seen. One example is the set of connections between muscle spindle sensory axons (Ia fibers) and spinal motoneurons, the synaptic pathway that mediates the simple stretch reflex. Ia afferents from one muscle make strong monosynaptic excitatory synapses with motoneurons supplying the same and synergistic muscles, but Ia afferents make few if any direct connections with motoneurons supplying antagonistic muscles. Studies in the frog and chick have ...