How the information microscopically processed by individual neurons is integrated and used in organizing the macroscopic behavior of an animal is a central question in neuroscience. Coherence of neuronal dynamics over different scales has been suggested as a clue to the mechanisms underlying this integration. Balanced strong excitation and inhibition can amplify microscopic fluctuations to a macroscopic level and may provide a mechanism for generating coherent macroscopic dynamics from microscopic neuronal dynamics. Previous theories of brain dynamics, however, have been restricted to cases in which the balanced excitation and inhibition have constrained the macroscopic population-averaged activities to constant values, that is, to cases with no macroscopic degrees of freedom. In the present study, we investigate balanced neuronal networks with a non-zero number of macroscopic degrees of freedom that are coupled to microscopic degrees of freedom. In these networks, the microscopic fluctuations in the network dynamics are amplified by the strong excitation and inhibition to drive the macroscopic dynamics, while the macroscopic dynamics determine the statistics of the microscopic fluctuations. We develop a novel type of mean-field theory applicable to this class of interscale interactions, for which an analytical approach has previously been unknown. Irregular macroscopic rhythms similar to those observed in the brain emerge spontaneously as a result of such interactions. Microscopic inputs to a small number of neurons effectively entrain the whole network through the amplification mechanism. The neuronal responses of the network undergo a transition to coherent states in a probabilistic manner, as the magnitude of either the balanced excitation and inhibition or the external inputs is increased. Our mean-field theory successfully predicts the behavior of this model. Furthermore, our numerical results indicate that the coherent dynamics can be used for state-dependent read-out of information from the network. In conclusion, our results show a novel form of neuronal information processing that bridges different scales, and advance our understanding of the circuit mechanisms of brain computing.