A systematic account is given of 17 families, 25 genera, and 32 species of anthoathecate hydroids and limnopolyps reported from Hawaii. Applying Reversal of Precedence provisions in zoological nomenclature, the familiar hydrozoan genus names Hydractinia Van Beneden, 1844a, Bimeria Wright, 1859a, and Porpita Lamarck, 1801 are designated as valid and as nomena protecta, while seldom-used older names threatening them (the synonyms Echinochorium Hassall, 1841 and Manicella Allman, 1859a, and the homonym Porpita Soldani, 1789 respectively) are relegated to nomena oblita. Also designated a nomen oblitum is the name Pyxidium Leuckart, 1856, threatening its junior but widely used synonym Ectopleura L. Agassiz, 1862. The species name Bimeria vestita Wright, 1859a is rendered valid and a nomen protectum, while its virtually unused senior synonym Manicella fusca Allman, 1859 becomes a nomen oblitum. Hydrodendrium Nutting, 1905 is reinstated as a valid genus, distinct from Hydractinia and replacing its junior objective synonym Nuttingia Stechow, 1909. The spelling of Hydrodendridae Nutting, 1905 is emended to Hydrodendriidae, but that family name is retained as a synonym of Hydractiniidae. Usage of the familiar generic name Sphaerocoryne Pictet, 1893 is upheld by recognizing it and its former senior subjective synonym Corynetes Haeckel, 1879 as valid. The correct spelling of the family name originally founded as Olindiadae Haeckel, 1879 is taken to be Olindiidae, and spelling of the species name Solanderia misakinensis (Inaba, 1892), first established as Dendrocryne (sic) misakii, is stabilized. One new species, Stylactaria munita, is described from shallow waters at Hawaii Kai, Oahu. Lectotypes are designated for Corydendrium corrugatum Nutting, 1905 and Corydendrium minor Nutting, 1905 (=Turritopsis minor), both originally described from Hawaii. Type material of Balea mirabilis Nutting, 1905 (=Balella mirabilis), originally described from waters between the islands of Molokai and Maui, could not be located. Six anthoathecate species [Corydendrium parasiticum (Linnaeus, 1767), Bimeria vestita, Amphinema sp., Eudendrium carneum Clarke, 1882, Ectopleura viridis (Pictet, 1893), and Sphaerocoryne bedoti Pictet, 1893] are recorded from Hawaii for the first time.