compositions and structures of the plasma-treated surfaces
of polymers often impart significant consequences on the barrier properties
of thin films. Despite their technological importance for packaging
and coating applications, a molecular-level understanding of their
surface properties has been exceedingly challenging to obtain. This
has been due to several factors, including their low external surface
areas, nanometer-thin regions of surface modification, subtle differences
between their surface versus bulk compositions, and the absence of
long-range structural order. Nevertheless, recent advancements in
solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, in particular
using dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) enhancement, in combination
with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier transform
infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy analyses provide detailed insights on
the compositions of thin surface layers of plasma-modified poly(ethylene
terephthalate) (PET) thin films. Analyses of 2D 13C{1H} DNP heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) NMR spectra of plasma-modified
PET films enabled signals from sp
3 carbon
species associated with thin (30–80 nm) diamond-like carbon
(DLC) surface layers to be detected and identified, along with their
interactions at embedded DLC-PET interfaces. Complementary XPS spectra
provide insights into different surface and subsurface elemental compositions
of the plasma-modified PET films, which are corroborated by FT-IR
analyses. Subsurface compositions and structures, in particular carbon:oxygen
atomic ratios and intermixing of the DLC surface layers and PET regions,
are shown to depend on plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition conditions,
leading to different gas barrier properties of surface-modified PET