The latest results of the most detailed analysis of multi-epoch polarization-sensitive observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets at parsecs scales by very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) reveal several characteristic patterns of linear polarization distribution and its variability [1, 2]. Some of the observed profiles can be reproduced by a simple model of a jet threaded by a helical magnetic field. However, none of the models presented to date can explain the observed polarization profiles with an increase in its degree towards the edges of the jet, and accompanied by a “fountain” type electrical vector pattern and its high temporal variability in the center. Based on simulations of the VLBI observations of relativistic jets, we show here that the observed transverse linear polarization profiles, atypical for the simple magnetic field models can be naturally produced assuming the finite resolution of VLBI arrays and precession of a jet on ten-years scales, observational indications of which are found in an increasing number of AGN. In our simulations, we qualitatively reproduce the distribution of the electric vector and its variability, though the polarization images are characterized by a bright spine due to weak smearing, which is poorly consistent with observations. More effective depolarization can be obtained in models with the suppressed emission of the jet spine.