Federation Despite the increased interest of the scientific community in diseases associated with atherosclerosis, the widespread use and availability in clinical practice of diagnostic research methods (Doppler ultrasound, CT, MRI), allowing to visualize the vessels of the abdominal cavity, chronic mesenteric ischemia remains an underestimated, undiagnosed and insufficiently studied disease, mainly due to the lack of knowledge and awareness among doctors, which leads to delays in diagnosis and delayed treatment of patients, which significantly increases the risk of death. Currently, new recommendations for clinical, physical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of chronic mesenteric ischemia have been developed and are being implemented. These documents should help primary care physicians in early detection of this disease, optimization of treatment and reduction of mortality from this pathology. The lecture highlights the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical course, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, as well as the possibilities of conservative and surgical treatment of chronic mesenteric ischemia.