Computer-based exams (CBEs) have been used in various courses, such as schools, universities and other training centres. As there are many educational institutions which have chosen to convert from paper test system to computer- based exam. However, adopting computer tests may lead to some difficulties for the students, which relates to technical defects and lake of computer skills of some students when they applying the computer based exams. The purpose of the essay was to determine negative and positive effects on the students of using computer-based exams and focus on some of suggesting solutions to the negative effects, such the exams to make continuous use of computer- based possible. In the first section the computer test, which could cause negative effects on students due to various levels of skills to use computer and some technical problems was examined. The design of the computer examination system requires careful planning and study from several aspects before becoming officially accepted, the computer-based exams still have a few problems which may lead to difficulties in using computer exams. Then the many benefits which could be gained by using computer-based exams, such as the student will be more independent with computer test were described. In addition, the students have accessible to the exams through the internet network. Finally, the effectiveness of certain strategy to solve the negative effects of computer-based exams were argued. developing the solutions of the technical problems are required for computer test, where improving the input methods questions and corrections. It was concluded that the computer exam, with adjustments, is more suitable for students.