“…The combination of multi-dimensional NM or layered NS were used to prepare hybrid nanostructures with many advantages due to each kind of NM or NS (Bouakaz et al, 2015;Oraon et al, 2015;Alsharaeh et al, 2016;Chen et al, 2016;; Pérez del Pino et al, 2016,Kavinkumar et al, 2016Zhao et al, 2016).These kinds of hybrid nanostructures with exceptional properties are effective and they were reported for the potential applications (Latorre-Sanchez et al, 2012;Lonkar et al, 2015).Many hybrid materialswere reported, which can bemade usingdifferent NS.But recently organic-inorganic hybrid NS haveshown considerable attention (Mishra et al, 2010;. Among the various organic NS materials, graphene oxide (GO)has a tremendous interest in a scientific research.Because GO istwo dimensional (2D) andconductinglayered NMand it consists of one atom-thick planar sheets of sp 2 -bonded honeycomb structure of carbon atoms (Low et al, 2015).GO possesses extraordinary mechanical, thermal, electronic and physical properties, (Hansora et al, 2015;Lonkar et al, 2015),more importantly it contains a range of reactiveoxygen functional groups (e.g., hydroxyl groups) .Therefore, GO wasused to prepareorganic-inorganic hybrid NS (Wu et al, 2012;Nandi et al, 2013;Esmaeili et al, 2014;Yadav et al, 2014;Angelopoulou et al, 2015, Low et al, 2015Jain et al,2016).Many scientists havepreparedhybrid NS usingdifferent metal and inorganic NM filled with GO, e.g., Titanium oxide-graphene (Heet al, 2016;Pérez del Pino et al,2016;Zhao et al,2016),Manganese-nickel mixed oxide/graphene (Latorre Sanchez et al,2015), Organomontmorillonite/graphene (Bouakaz et al 2015;Oraon et al, 2015),Calciumcarbonate/GO ,Silver nanoparticle/GO (Kavinkumaret al, 2016),Cobalt oxide nanoparticles/reduced GO(Alsharaeh et al,2016),Zinc oxide nanorods/graphene …”