The effect of the protein matrix on the standard potential of a buried redox center has been investigated by using a selection of mutants and chemical derivatives in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytochrome c isoform 1. Assuming only local structural perturbation and no alteration of the iron-ligation chemistry, ⌬E m 0 can be regarded as a measure of the difference in polypeptide solvation of the heme charge, which reflects the dielectric properties of the protein. In double mutants Y67F/N52I Y67F/ N52V, where most of the hydrogen bond network in the heme crevice is eliminated, ⌬S redox compares to the wild type. This indicates that a fully consistent hydrogen bond network has a similar polarizability as an apolar matrix. We therefore argue that the variability in net dielectric susceptibility arises from conformational polarizability, a factor that is not a function of atomic properties and coordinates and is therefore hard to predict using conventional physical relationships.There is still much to learn about the factors determining the E m 0 Ј of redox-active proteins. Determinants of E m 0 Ј such as local structural effects (1) as well as the electrostatic landscape of the polypeptide (2) (including the protein's own charges (3, 4), dipolar matrix (5, 6), and surrounding solvent molecules (7)) have already been identified. However, implementation of this knowledge into models does not reliably reproduce experimental observations.The standard redox potential (E m 0 Ј) reflects the thermodynamics of the equilibrium between redox states. The energetics of rearrangement between redox states will therefore reflect the ability of a system to polarize in an electrostatic field. Assuming that the nature of the iron-ligand interaction remains unchanged, the values of ⌬E m 0 Ј of mutation can be regarded as a measure of change in the polarizability, or dielectric response, to the charge of the redox center.With virtually no large redox-dependent conformational change or ligand rearrangement (8 -12), cytochrome c is a suitable model to investigate the contribution of individual residues to the dielectric properties of the protein. Using three positively charged carboxyamidomethyl-methionine sulfonium ion (CAMMS) 1 derivatives 2 (Fig. 1A) generated from a mutational methionine scan (13), a series of buried mutations at position 52 (Fig. 1B) (14) and the point mutations Y67F, Y67F/ N52I, and Y67F/N52V (15), an attempt to rationalize ⌬E m 0 Ј mut in terms of polarizability of the protein matrix is made.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESDetermination of Redox Potential-The measurement of redox potential was made using the method of mixtures (16) in 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0). The redox state of the sample protein was assayed in a range of redox buffers set by the ratio of ferro/ferricyanide in solution using an E m 0 Ј for the couple of ϩ0.43 V. Thermodynamics of Oxidoreduction-Temperature dependence of the equilibrium between the reduced and oxidized form of the cytochrome c was measured in 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0) wit...