“…Pioneer work correlating data from the eastern (Bohemia) and western (Iberia) terminations of the belt led to (i) the definition of the main geological-tectonic zones, (ii) the identification of the principal Paleozoic tectonic events based on the relationship between structures and Ediacaran to Carboniferous sedimentary deposits in the external zone and along the foreland, and (iii) the recognition of high-grade nappes in the internal zone (Stille, 1924;Kossmat, 1927;Gaertner, 1937;Demay, 1948;Gèze, 1949). The relationship between sedimentation and deformation, best exposed along its external domains, allowed the identification of continental blocks such as Avalonia, Armorica, Saxo-Thuringia, Barrandia and Brunia, all of which preserve Cambrian unconformities more or less affected by Variscan deformation and metamorphism (Matte, 1986(Matte, , 1991Franke and Engel, 1986;Franke, 1989Franke, , 2000Kroner and Romer, 2013). These continental blocks are separated by oceanic sutures marked by ophiolitic assemblages or mélanges.…”