Automated preconcentration techniques for off/on-line determination with ICP-OES have been developed for various metal ions of environmental interest. Preconcentration studies were performed on two different types of chemically bonded chelating ion-exchangers, namely EDTrA-cellulose (iminoacetate groups) and HSO 3 9 oxine-cellulose. Enrichment studies were carried out at various preconcentration factors and also at different loadings.Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy has been widely used in determination of trace elements in environmental samples. Although the method is very sensitive, it sometimes poses problems on direct determination at detection limits and also in presence of large amounts of interfering matrix constituents. Preconcentration techniques combined with ICP-OES either off-[1, 2] or on-line [-3, 4], are found to be useful in solving these complex analytical problems. These methods provide high enrichment factors and lower detection limits by selective extraction of metals of interest from the complex matrix. As the sample throughput with ICP-OES is fairly high for multi-element analysis, it therefore demands faster sample preparation procedures. Hence the need of an automated preconcentration apparatus is justified. It not only helps in reducing the time, but also the closed system for sample handling makes it contamination-free. Additionally, on coupling it directly to a simultaneous ICP-AE [3,4] or flame AA [-5, 6] spectrometer and integrating the transient elution peak, detection limits can be lowered by an order of magnitude. Also these on-line methods require lesser volumes for enrichment as compared to manual off-line ones.