. Can. J. Chem. 66, 3184 (1988) The complexation of Hg(I1) by glutathione has been studied by polarimetry under conditions of excess ligand with the objective of characterizing formation of the 3: 1 complex, Hg(g1~tathione)~. The optical rotatory power of solutions containing glutathione only and of solutions containing glutathione and Hg(I1) at ratios of 2: 1,2.5: 1,3: 1, and 4: 1 was measured as a function of pH. Acid dissociation constants for the ammonium and thiol groups of glutathione and for the two ammonium groups of Hg(glutathi~ne)~ and the formation constant of the 3: 1 complex (Hg(g1~tathione)~ + glutathione a Hg(g1~tathione)~) were determined from the pH dependence of the optical rotatory power. The value obtained for the formation constant, K f = 1.5 x lo3, indicates that binding of the third ligand to form Hg(g1~tathione)~ is much weaker than binding of the first two glutathione ligands. However, calculations indicate that binding is sufficiently strong that a significant fraction of Hg(I1) is present as Hg(g1~tathione)~ under physiological conditions. Equilibrium constants were also determined by polarimetry and by I3c nuclear magnetic resonance for the displacement of one thiolate ligand by another (RSHgSR + R'SH RSHgSR' + RSH; RSHgSR' + R'SH R'SHgSR' + RSH). The results indicate that, at pH 5.5 and at physiological pH, the relative stability increases in the order Hg(g1utathi0ne)~ < Hg(peni~i1lamine)~ < Hg(mer~aptoethy1amine)~. However, when competitive protonation of free ligand is accounted for, it is shown that the intrinsic stability of the complexes increases in the order Hg(penicillamine)? < Hg(mer~aptoethy1amine)~ < Hg(glutathi~ne)~, which parallels the order of the Brgnsted basicity of the thiolate ligands. Chem. 66, 3184 (1988).Faisant appel B la polarimttrie et opCrant dans des conditions impliquant un excts de ligand, on a ttudiC la complexion du Hg(I1) par le glutathion dans le but de caracttriser la formation du complexe 3: 1, Hg(g1~tathion)~. On a mesurC la variation, en fonction du pH, du pouvoir rotatoire optique de solutions ne contenant que du glutathion ainsi que de solutions contenant du glutathion et du Hg(I1) ? i des rapports de 2: 1, 2.5: 1, 3: 1 et 4: 1. En se basant sur la relation entre le pouvoir rotatoire optique et le pH, on a dCterminC les constantes de dissociation acide des groupements ammonium et thiol du glutathion ainsi que des deux groupements ammonium du complexe Hg(glutathion)? de mCme que la constante de formation du complexe 3:1 (Hg(g1utathi0n)~ + glutathion a Hg(g1~tathion)~). La valeur obtenue pour la constante de formation, K f = 1,5 X lo3, indique que la liaison du troisitme ligand pour former le complexe Hg(g1~tathion)~ est beaucoup plus facile que les liaisons des deux premiers ligands glutathion. Toutefois, des calculs indiquent que la liaison est suffisamment forte pour qu'un fraction importante du Hg(I1) soit prtsent sous la forme Hg(gl~tathion)~, dans des conditions physiologiques. Faisant appel B la polarimCtrie ainsi que la resonance magnCtiq...