C 50 H 42 La 2 N 12 O 40 S 4 ,triclinic, P1 (no. 2), a =14.293(6) Å, b =14.334(6) Å, c =20.28(1) Å, a =97.899(9)°, b =95.891(9)°, g =119.560(6)°, V =3509.4 Å 3 , Z =2,
Source of materialThetitle compound was synthesized from amixture of 0.437 gof La(NO 3 ) 3 × 6H 2 O, 0.437 go f3 ,5-binitrobenzoic acid, 4m Lo f EtOH, 2mLofdimethyl sulfoxide, and 2mLofH 2 O. This mixture was sealed in a25mLTeflon-lined stainless steel vessel, and heated at 120°forabout 5daysunder autogenous pressure,then cooled to room temperature. The resulting columnar colorless crystals were collected and dried in air at ambient temperature. Elemental analysis-found:C,32.18 %; H, 2.32 %; N, 9.11 %; S, 6.75 %; calculated for C 50 H 42 La 2 N 12 O 40 S 4 :C ,3 2.34 %; H, 2.28 %; N, 9.05 %; S, 6.91 %.
Experimental detailsThe R values are moderately high, probablybecause of thestatisticaldisorderoforganic acidsand poor crystalquality.