+ = ferrocenium). Electrochemical analysis of this reaction revealed a possible ECE mechanism that includes prior and subsequent electron transfer to this dimerization. The electronic structure of the dimer 4 was probed by SQUID magnetommetry and X-band EPR spectroscopy (100 K and 4 K). The dimer was found to contain two antiferromagnetically coupled V IV centers, as well as a small portion of monomeric V IV species, 2 + . In contrast to 2, oxidation of 1 resulted in an EC mechanism, the product of which remains unknown. Preliminary reactions with compounds 1 and 2 bearing free P=O groups were performed using H-atom donors to test their ability to undergo H-atom transfer in the context of the proposed "reduction-coupled oxo activation" mechanism; however, no clear reaction pathway supporting this mechanism was yet observed.Considerable interest lies in the structure and bonding of vanadium phosphate complexes due to their varied applications, such as in size-selective inorganic hosts, ion exchangers, and magnetic systems.1-4 From the industrial perspective, DuPont's "butox" process utilizes a surface vanadium phosphate oxide (VPO) catalyst for the oxidative conversion of butane to maleic anhydride (MA) on a 500 kt scale (Scheme 1a). The commodity chemical is used as a resin, a food additive, an agricultural chemical, as well as in pharmaceuticals. 5 The conversion of butane to MA is considered one of the most complex in industry, involving the abstraction of 8 H-atoms and the insertion of 3 O-atoms, as part of an overall 14 e -process. As such, this process has been the subject of extensive mechanistic investigations over the decades, 5-9 and continues to be the subject of considerable interest today.10-14 However, in spite of these extensive studies, no consensus mechanism yet exists as to the exact steps of this transformation.Recent gas-phase studies by Schwarz and co-workers have described the ability of simple oxidized oxide clusters, such as [P4O10] •+ or [V4O10]•+ , to abstract a H atom from methane or other simple hydrocarbons, through an H-atom transfer (HAT) process. It was further found that the in situ-generated [P4O10] •+ was more reactive than the metallic analog, [V4O10] •+ . [15][16] The increased reactivity upon P-incorporation into the clusters was further demonstrated by comparison of the smaller oxide cations, [VPO4] •+ and [V2O4]•+ , wherein the former was more reactive towards HAT than the latter. These experimental conclusions were further supported by theoretical work by Goddard and coworkers who proposed that the terminal P=O linkages in VPO are responsible for C-H functionalization at butane (Scheme 1b-c). The mechanism, coined "reduction-coupled oxo activation" (ROA), occurs as a result of the strong basicity at the P=O bond coupled with the neighboring high-valent, oxidative V V centers which undergoes reduction, 10, 12 and is in many respects analogous to well-studied proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions common to both biological and artificial systems. [17][18]...