A fundamentally important characteristic of a macromolecule is its shape. Herein, visible light and darkness are used as the only stimuli to reversibly alter the topology of welldefined polymers in a one-pot procedure. For this, linear naphthalene-containing polyacrylates are used as scaffolds for the visible light-induced cycloaddition with various substituted triazolinediones (i.e., butyl, stearyl, perfluoro, and polymeric), resulting in differently shaped graft polymers, including brushes and combs. The thus-formed cycloadduct linkages dissociate in the dark, resulting in the regeneration of the parent linear polymer at ambient temperature, establishing a dual-topology transformation by only switching green light on and off. By applying different temperatures during the cycloreversion process, the dissociation rate of the cycloadducts can be tuned in a facile manner, thus allowing for time control over the regeneration of the parent polymer. By engineering a polymer that consists of differently substituted naphthalenes at the chain ends and on the side chains, the inherently different cycloreversion rates of the formed cycloadducts are leveraged to achieve in situ multi-topology transformations without external stimuli. The shape transformations have been repeated up to 4 times sequentially in one pot without the need of any purification. The topological alterations are microscopically depicted through reversible self-assembly, with the polymers adopting different morphologies upon visible light or darkness. The versatile yet practical nature of this polymer "reshaping" strategy provides facile access to multifaceted polymer systems and, consequently, to a plethora of potential applications thereof.