A suitably protected adenosine derivative bearing an acetyl-protected 2-hydroxyethyl moiety in 3'-O-position was attached to the 2-terminus of a cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine) dimer. Coupling was performed by phosphoramidite chemistry using two alternative approaches -condensation of 5'-phosphoramidite 16 with 2'-OH cordycepin dimer 18 and condensation of dimeric cordycepin phosphoramidke 19 with 5'-OH adenosine derivative 15 -of which the latter synthesis worked best (-20). After cleavage of the acetyl protecting group (+21), cholesteryl carbonate was introduced into the OH function of the spacer (-24). Final deblocking of trimer 24 with, or trimer 21 without the cholesterol moiety afforded the modilied cordycepin conjugates 25 and 23, respectively.