. 2015. Alleviation of injury from chlorimuron-ethyl in maize treated with safener 3-dichloroacetyl oxazolidine. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 897Á903. The protective effects of herbicide safeners, including 3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-oxazolidine (R-28725), 3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-4-ethyl-1,3-oxazolidine (Racemate), and its two enantiomers (R)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-4-ethyl-1,3-oxazolidine (R-enantiomer) and (S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-4-ethyl-1,3-oxazolidine (S-enantiomer), on reducing the phytotoxicity of chlorimuronethyl to maize were investigated. Soaking the seeds in safeners increased the endogenous glutathione (GSH) content and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity of maize. When induced by R-enantiomer, the GST activity in vivo and in vitro increased 180 and 192% compared with control, respectively. R-28725 and R-enantiomer also increased the acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity inhibited by chlorimuron-ethyl from 45 to 100 and 97% compared with the control, respectively. The kinetic parameter V max of GST in the maize treated with R-28725 and R-enantiomer increased by 103 and 92%, respectively, compared with the control. Our results suggest that R-28725 and R-enantiomer could significantly improve the GSH content, GST activity, and ALS activity of maize. Overall, maize could be protected from the injury caused by chlorimuron-ethyl.Key words: Herbicide injury, safener, 3-dichloroacetyl oxazolidine Zhao, L.-X., Qu, H.-T., Fu, Y., Gao, S. et Ye, F. 2015. Atte´nuation des dommages re´sultant du chlorimuron Á e´thyle chez le maı¨s traite´avec le phytoprotecteur 3-dichloroace´tyl oxazolidine. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 897Á903. Les auteurs ont examineć omment divers phytoprotecteurs, notamment la 3-dichloroace´tyl-2,2-dime´thyl-1,3-oxazolidine (R-28725), la 3-dichloroace´tyl-2, 2-dime´thyl-4-e´thyl-1,3-oxazolidine (Racemate) et leurs isome`res optiques (R)-3-dichloroace´tyl-2,2-dime´thyl-4-e´thyl-1,3-oxazolidine (isome`re optique R) et (S)-3-dichloroace´tyl-2,2-dime´thyl-4-e´thyl-1,3-oxazolidine (isome`re optique S), atte´nuent la toxicite´du chlorimuronÁe´thyle pour le maı¨s. Tremper les semences dans le phytoprotecteur augmente la concentration de glutathion endoge`ne (GSH) et l'activite´de la glutathion-S-transfe´rase (GST) du maı¨s. L'isome`re optique R augmente respectivement l'activite´in vivo et in vitro de la GST de 180 % et de 192 % comparativement aux te´moins. Le R-28725 et son isome`re optique R accroissent aussi l'activite´de l'ace´tolactate synthe´tase (ALS) inhibe´e par le chlorimuronÁe´thyle de 45 % a`100 % et de 97 %, respectivement, par rapport aux te´moins. Chez le maı¨s traite´avec du R-28725 et son isome`re optique R, le parame`tre cine´tique V max de la GST augmente respectivement de 103 % e de 92 % comparativement aux te´moins. Ces re´sultats donnent a`penser que le R-28725 et son isome`re optique R pourraient sensiblement augmenter la teneur en GSH, l'activite´de la GST et l'activite´de l'ALS chez le maı¨s. Dans l'ensemble, le maı¨s serait ainsi prote´ge´contre les do...