Voltage-clamped atrial trabeculae from bullfrog hearts were exposed to membrane-permeant photolyzable o-nitrobenzyl esters of cAMP and cGMP. UV flashes produced intracellular concentration jumps of cAMP or cGMP. With the cAMP derivative, flashes resulted in an increased slow inward current (Is;), producing a broadened action potential. The ISi reached a maximum 10-30 sec after the flash and decreased over the next 60-300 sec. The first increases were observable within 150 msec; this value is an upper limit imposed by the instrumentation. Responses to flashes lasted longer at higher drug concentrations and in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor papaverine; effects of flashes developed and decreased faster at higher temperature. Although the amplitude of the 'Si was increased, its waveform and voltage sensitivity were not affected. Intracellular concentration jumps of cAMP failed to affect the muscarinic K+ conductance. There were no observable effects of cGMP concentration jumps. The data confirm (i) that cAMP regulates the Ii and (ii) that the 5-to 10-sec delay between application of .8-agonists and the onset of positive inotropic effects, observed in previous studies, has been correctly ascribed to events prior to the interaction between cAMP and protein kdnase.Cyclic nucleotides are thought to play a pivotal role in the regulation of the strength and frequency of the heartbeat by autonomic neurotransmitters. Electrophysiological investigations show that such inotropic and chronotropic effects arise partly through changes in the slow inward current (Isi), which is carried mainly by calcium ions (1-5). The amplitude of the Isi is enhanced, and the plateau of the action potential is consequently lengthened, by many treatments that increase intracellular cAMP, such as /3-adrenergic stimulation (1, 3, 6), direct intracellular application of cAMP itself (5, 7-11), phosphodiesterase inhibition (12), exposure to membrane-permeant analogues of cAMP (13), and GTPase inhibition (14). On the other hand, this slow inward current is inhibited by muscarinic stimulation (4, 15, 16), which also inhibits adenylate cyclase (17,18 (22,23). Therefore, one expects that the positive inotropic effects would appear much more quickly in an experiment in which the intracellular cAMP concentration itself is jumped directly.We have therefore developed a method for producing concentration jumps of cyclic nucleotides within cells under physiological investigation. Our procedure exploits the properties of o-nitrobenzyl cAMP ( Fig. 1) and its cGMP analog. These molecules are members of a group of phosphotriesters that enter cells (24-26). The o-nitrobenzyl esters can then be photolyzed to produce the cyclic nucleotides themselves, presumably within a few msec (27-30). We find that the Is4 is indeed increased by photochemically generated concentration jumps of intracellular cAMP and that the latency of this action (< 150 msec) is no more than 3% of the latency for ,B-adrenergic stimulation.There are additional questions ab...