A54145 is a complex of lipopeptide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces fradiae. A54145 factors are structurally related to daptomycin, with four modified amino acids, only one of which is present in daptomycin. We generated three mutants defective in lptJ, lptK or lptL, whose gene products are involved in the formation of hydroxy-Asn 3 (hAsn 3 ) and methoxy-Asp 9 (moAsp 9 ). Each of the mutants produced novel lipopeptides related to A54145 and the profiles allowed assignment of functions for those genes. We constructed strains carrying different combinations of these genes coupled with a mutation in the lptI gene involved in the biosynthesis of 3-methyl-Glu 12 (3mGlu 12 ), and all recombinants produced novel lipopeptides. One of the compounds displayed very good antibacterial activity in the presence of bovine surfactant, which interacts with daptomycin or A54145E to inhibit their antibacterial activities. (Figure 1) is a complex of calcium-dependent lipodepsipeptide antibiotics produced by Streptomyces fradiae NRRL 18160. 1,2 A54145 has a cyclic depsipeptide ring containing 10 amino acids and an exocyclic tail of three amino acids, and it is similar in overall structure to daptomycin. Like A21987C and daptomycin, 3,4 the Nterminal Trp 1 of the exocyclic peptide is coupled to long-chain length fatty acids, the most common being iso-decanoyl, n-decanoyl and anteiso-undecanoyl in A54145 factors. 1,2 A54145 factors also vary at positions 12 and 13, in which different factors have different combinations of Glu 12 , L-3-methyl-Glu 12 (3mGlu 12 ), Ile 13 , or Val 13 . The most prevalent factors produced during the S. fradiae fermentation are shown in Figure 1. Typically, A54145 factors containing Glu 12 accumulate early in fermentation and those containing 3mGlu 12 accumulate later, with final yields of about 60% of factors containing Glu 12 . 1 The study by Boeck et al. 5 demonstrated that the distribution of A54145 factors can be manipulated by adding certain amino acids or lipids to the fermentation. For instance, feeding L-Ile, enriched for factors containing Ile 13 from 89 to 98%, whereas feeding L-Val (which inhibited overall lipopeptide production by about 70%) enriched for compounds containing Val 13 from 11 to 56%, almost exclusively in