) demonstrated that novel 6,8-difluoroquinolones were potent effectors of eukaryotic topoisomerase II. To determine the contribution of the C-8 fluorine to drug potency, we compared the effects of -(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-cyclopropyl-4-quinolone-3-carboxylic acid] on the enzymatic activities of Drosophila melanogaster topoisomerase II with those of 953 (the 6,955). Removal of the C-8 fluoro group decreased the ability of the quinolone to enhance enzyme-mediated DNA cleavage -2.5-fold. Like its difluorinated counterpart, CP-115,955 increased the levels of cleavage intermediates without impairing the DNA religation reaction of the enzyme. Removal of the C-8 fluorine reduced the ability of the quinolone to inhibit topoisomerase II-catalyzed DNA relaxation. In addition, the cytotoxicity of CP-115,955 towards Chinese hamster ovary cells was decreased compared with that of CP-115,953. These results demonstrate that the C-8 fluorine increases the potency of quinolone derivatives against eukaryotic topoisomerase II and mammalian cells. Further comparisons of 804 (the N-1 ethyl-substituted derivative of the difluoro parent compound) indicate that the two intrinsic activities of quinolone-based drugs towards topoisomerase II (i.e., enhancement of DNA cleavage and inhibition of catalytic strand passage) can be differentially influenced by alteration of ring substituents. Finally, correlations between the biochemical and cytological activities of these drugs suggest that the ability to inhibit catalytic strand passage enhances the cytotoxic potential of quinolones towards eukaryotic cells.Topoisomerase II is an essential enzyme (9,21,23,53) that is required for chromosome structure (5,13,14,16,17), condensation (1, 36, 52, 56), and segregation (9,23,47,54). It also appears to play roles in DNA replication, transcription, and recombination in eukaryotic cells (3,6,8,30,39,43,47,51,55).In addition to its cellular functions, topoisomerase II is the primary target for several classes of antineoplastic drugs (32,48,59). These agents are widely used for the treatment of human cancers (32,48,59) and their clinical efficacies correlate with their abilities to stabilize covalent enzymecleaved DNA complexes that are intermediates in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme (31,32,43,48,59). Previous studies with etoposide (40, 46) and 4'-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide (m-AMSA) (45, 46) demonstrated that these topoisomerase 1I-targeted drugs stabilize cleavage complexes primarily by inhibiting the ability of the enzyme to religate cleaved DNA.Recent work indicates that the DNA cleavage complex of eukaryotic topoisomerase II is also a target for novel 6,8-difluoroquinolone derivatives (4, 44). While quinolone-based drugs have been developed extensively as antimicrobial agents (targeted to DNA gyrase, the prokaryotic counterpart of topoisomerase II) (12,24,58), these studies provided evidence that quinolones may have potential as antineoplastic drugs. One of the difluoro compounds examined, 6,8-difluoro-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-cyclopro...