The presented study deals with the effectiveness of sorbents in the equipment of firefighting units in Slovakia. Currently, there are many manufacturers of sorbents on the market and also a number of types of these products. As a result of an emergency on the road, especially in the case of traffic accidents, there can be a leakage of dangerous substances. From this point of view, it is necessary to prevent the dangerous substance escaping into the environment as quickly as possible and to choose a suitable sorption material to prevent the leakage. For the stated reasons, the aim of the submitted paper was to research the effectiveness of sorbents used by fire brigades in the Slovak Republic in traffic accidents. Part of the publication is on the specification of sorbents, and as part of the research there is an evaluation of their composition and a description, and according to the method and the successive laboratory tests, the operating fluid that is applied to the selected sorbents. After the test and the resulting values, the initial and absorbed weight of the sorbents were determined. The sorption capacity and absorbency were determined from the resulting values. The time factor and the ability to remove adsorbed sorbents from solid surfaces was evaluated after visualizing the process and the final result. The resulting values were unified and compared with other sorbents, where their suitability for the purposes of firefighting units in practice was determined.